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Scripture tells us to “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Therefore, we believe in investing in our children at every age.
Our Mission
At Life Church, we believe that every child should know they are valued, loved and have purpose. Therefore, our desire is to create a safe and fun environment where kids can not only learn about God but also have life-changing encounters with Him! First, our team will get to KNOW your child. We want every student that walks through the door to know they belong. Next, through biblically sound teachings, our goal is to INSPIRE kids to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

In weekly lessons, we DISCIPLE students with a focus on becoming more like Christ. One key component is the biblical literacy program, Junior Bible Quiz, which is for students K5-6th grade.
Finally, we believe each person in the body of Christ has a purpose in the Kingdom. For this reason, we train students to SERVE through our Kidʼs for Life Ministry Team, which is a discipleship program for students 11-18 years old. The KFL Ministry Team learns to serve through teaching, puppets, games, worship, creative movement and so much more! They travel each year and minister through camps and Kidʼs Crusades.
We would love to connect with you at one our services this week!
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